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Alias Medical
Company Name
Technology Developed by
MESH Incubator and Investigators
Company Status
ACQUIRED - MESH Incubator Portfolio Company
Intellectual Property Status
IP Available for License?

We are developing a user-friendly cloud-based system that allows patients to see, store, and share their medical images. We have developed a cloud-based image sharing and storage solution and are currently undergoing updates to address the needs of the users. We also have developed a user-friendly DICOM viewer that is web and mobile compatible.

Technology Developed by
MESH Incubator
Company Status
MESH Incubator Portfolio Company
Intellectual Property Status
Owned by MESH Incubator/Mass General Brigham
IP Available for License?

Artemis Medical Technologies was developed by a radiologist and surgeon to improve minimally invasive diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Their platform technologies are currently focused on novel technology to determine, without radiographs, the appropriate location of a nasogastric or feeding tube; faster vascular access via novel device to enable percutaneous access. 

eMRI Systems
Company Name
Technology Developed by
Analog Brain Imaging Lab
Company Status
MESH Incubator Portfolio Company
Intellectual Property Status
Owned by the Martinos Center/Mass General Brigham
IP Available for License?

eMRI Systems is an early-stage MGH based neuro-engineering startup, recent awardee of Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant award from National Institutes of Health (NIH) to build the next generation electrodes and acquisition system for concurrent recording of electrophysiological signals during high-field MRI.

Company Name
Technology Developed by
MESH Incubator
Company Status
MESH Incubator Portfolio Company
Intellectual Property Status
Owned by MESH Incubator/Mass General Brigham
IP Available for License?

FastLine allows the user to perform all the steps of percutaneous access for central line placement with one hand using a consolidated single-hand device to improve the safety and efficiency of central line placement.

Company Name
Technology Developed by
MESH Incubator and Investigators
Company Status
MESH Incubator Portfolio Company
Intellectual Property Status
Owned by MESH Incubator/Mass General Brigham
IP Available for License?

iVoid is developing an app for logging fluid intake, estimating chance of a leakage accident with AI, and discreetly alerting a patient when it is time to use the restroom.

Company Name
Technology Developed by
MESH Incubator
Company Status
MESH Incubator Portfolio Company
Intellectual Property Status
Owned by MESH Incubator/Mass General Brigham
IP Available for License?

The device our team has created will limit the possibility of accidental catheter dislodgement during a patient’s treatment course. We envision the device being applicable for patients in both the in- and out-of-hospital care settings.

Company Name
Technology Developed by
MESH Incubator
Company Status
MESH Incubator Portfolio Company
Intellectual Property Status
Owned by MESH Incubator/Mass General Brigham
IP Available for License?

A novel internalization mechanism that will improve the safety of urinary catheterization and reduce Cather-Induced Trauma.

Company Name
Technology Developed by
MESH Incubator and Investigators
Company Status
MESH Incubator Portfolio Company
Intellectual Property Status
Owned by MESH Incubator/Mass General Brigham
IP Available for License?

Enabling doctors to focus on what they do best, delivering quality patient care, by eliminating human limiting factors in the anesthesiology workflow.

For Physicians: Automated process + more attention to patient care
For Pharmacists: Accurate medication utilization data feed in real time, improve inventory management
For Hospital: Lower costs of medication waste + evaluate data with patient outcomes

Company Name
Technology Developed by
MESH Incubator and Investigators
Company Status
MESH Incubator Portfolio Company
Intellectual Property Status
Owned by MESH Incubator/Mass General Brigham
IP Available for License?

StepUp is the first digital therapeutic app and monitoring platform specifically designed for patients with Peripheral Artery Disease. The app harnesses behavioral science and machine learning to predict risks of complications and provide real-time personalized interventions. Step Up allows access to better disease understanding and management, increasing patient engagement and adherence to treatment while facilitating communication with their health-care providers.